dynamic wheel
Innovating Health and Work through lived experience
Innovating Health and Work
Taking a strength-based approach, we will engage with every person through the lens of what the person has, their asset, rather than what they have not got, in other words starting an inside-out revolution!
Health and Work Programme
We will construct a pioneering incubation start-up for micro social businesses, including a training platform that will harness the assets of individuals with complex health conditions and other adverse lived experience.
Further information

Despite the severe impact of adverse life events, whether mental health problems, criminal convictions, issues with drugs and alcohol or homelessness, we believe the lived experience shapes certain human qualities.These qualities or assets can resolve some of the ‘pains’ or ‘challenges’ for services, communities and individuals, as well as the means for removing the multiple barriers to entering into and maintaining flexible paid employment.
Dynamic Wheel will operate as an asset-focused, not-for profit social enterprise (Community Interest Company [CIC]) across the areas of Clackmannanshire, Stirling and Falkirk.
Co-designed and co-developed with people who have a lived experience, Dynamic Wheel will develop a Health and Work programme, to incubate the unique human qualities shaped by an adverse life experience.
Health & Work Programme

Adopting a metaphorical wheel structure (hub & spokes profile), Dynamic Wheel will use a human centred approach in designing an innovative health & work programme.The central ‘Hub’ will, primarily, accommodate the administrative, strategic and governance operations of Dynamic Wheel. In addition, the hub will house both the start-up incubation process, driving the development of micro- businesses and other health and employment programmes, and the Human-Centred Design launchpad that will function with multiple partners using the asset of the lived experience in co-designing solutions towards flexible paid employment opportunities.Dynamic Wheel’s intention is to co-design solutions in the following areas:A) NHS & Health & Social Care Services.
B) Third Sector & Wider Community.
C) People living with complex health conditions and other challenging life circumstances.The emerging social enterprise will embrace a strong iterative culture utilising proven practical applications such as ‘Lean-Start Up’ principles, ‘Strategyzer’ https://strategyzer.com/platform, and ‘Jobs to be Done’ framework https://jtbd.info/.In addition, ‘U-lab’ principles https://ulabscot.com and ‘Three Horizon Thinking’ via the ‘International Futures Forum’ [IFF] http://www.internationalfuturesforum.com will be used as transformative-change frameworks.

Human qualities of courage, energy, tenacity, kindness and co-creativity cultivate the conditions for feeling connected, a sense of belonging and living a meaningful life.
These qualities enable people to flourish, as well as contribute to the positive shaping of the cultural systems in which we don’t merely exist, but actively thrive.Dynamic Wheel will be characterised by a value culture of:
Compassionate & Person Centred
Positive Wellness
Creativity & Innovation